How to install Shepherd on your device

Installing Shepherd Agent

Shepherd is available on Windows, OSX, Linux, and on Android. In case you run into issues, contact Shepherd support.

Installing Shepherd


There are two ways to get the agent.

Running Shepherd

After successfully installing the agent, you should see Shepherd in start menu. Now you can launch Shepherd. You use the open "Run as Administrator".

You will see a notification as well as Shepherd’s icon in the system tray. Click on Open Dashboard to interact with dashboard.
A screenshot on Windows 11 shows how to launch shepherd from Start Menu

Image showing how to launch Shepherd from start menu.A screenshot on Windows 11 shows how to launch shepherd from Start Menu


  1. Download the installer by clicking on one of the following links based on your architecture.
  2. Navigate to the folder where the installer was download. It is usually the Downloads folder.
  3. Right click and open with Installer application.
  4. Follow the instructions specified in the installation process.
  5. The application will now be installed on your system and can be accessed from the Launchpad.

Run Shepherd

  1. Search for Shepherd in the Launchpad.

  2. Click on the Shepherd Icon to launch the application.

  3. You will see Shepherd in the menu bar.

  4. Click on it to view the dropdown menu.

  5. Click 'Open Dashboard' to launch the dashboard in the browser.


Download and Install

  1. Download the installer : Direct Download Link

  2. Navigate to the folder where the installer was download. It is usually the Downloads folder.

  3. Run the following command in the terminal.

    sudo dpkg -i shepherd-latest-amd64.deb

Run Shepherd

  1. Check the installation with shepherdctl command. This command returns the status of shepherd service whether its active or inactive and registered or unregistered.

    sudo shepherdctl status
  2. If Shepherd is active and running, Run the following command to get the URL for Dashboard

    sudo shepherdctl dashboard
  3. Open URL on any browser.

  4. Registering your device

    sudo shepherdctl register --user-token <your_user_token>
  5. Check your device status by running the following command

    sudo shepherdctl status
  6. If registration is successful, you will see the following output

    service status: "service: active (loaded)" Device registered?: true

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